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Coconut genetic resources for enhanced livelihoods
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Coconut-Based Product Diversification

by Administrator - 16 Jul 2024 5521 Views 0 Comment

Duration: January 2005 – December 2009

Country: Philippines

Project summary: In 2005, PCA, in collaboration with the COGENT, selected four pilot communities in the Philippines to implement the DA-BAR-funded ‘Poverty Reduction in Coconut Growing Communities’ project. Subsequently, one community-based organization was identified in each community to undertake the project’s component activities. The four selected CBOs were Roxas  Estate Multipurpose Cooperative Inc. in San Antonio, Quezon; Santor Livelihood Multipurpose Cooperative in  Sanchez Mira, Cagayan; Burabod Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multipurpose Cooperative in Biliran, Biliran; and  Fleischer Estate Integrated Multipurpose Cooperative in Maitum, Sarangani. The project ended in 2009. This report  includes the findings of a socioeconomic impact assessment of the PRCGC project whose aim was to: (1) Establish whether the project objectives have been achieved or are likely to be achieved; (2) Determine the level of technology adoption and examine the effects of selected PRCGC projects; (3) Assess whether the deployment of the  four-pronged strategy has improved the quality of life of the target coconut farmers in the four coconut growing  communities based on impact indicators; and (4) Substantiate the hypothesis that coconut farmers need not be poor of provided with the appropriate technologies, available capital and commitment of all stakeholders to address the prevailing issue of inequitable income distribution in coconut growing communities.

Project documents:

   Terminal report (1.92MB)

    Financial report (0.06MB)

  Impact assesment report (0.9MB)

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